Saturday, December 12, 2009

What can you do with a tree skirt?

Well, apparently boys like to wear them as capes. Oh, and feel free to sing the question to the tune of the Klondike bar commercial because that is what I am doing. :)

On another note, we enjoyed the Ooltewah Christmas parade last Sunday. It was freezing and very, very long but the boys had fun, caught lots of candy, and saw their daddy and some friends ride their horses in it. Thank goodness for Wesley's riding push car, I don't know what I would do without that thing sometimes. One of the best gifts ever, thanks to Aunt Shia!!! Wesley loved all the characters dress up. He screamed, waved, and high fived them all.

Max sitting on the car with Wes but Wes isn't very happy about it.

Wesley waving to Mickey Mouse.



Daddy and Commanche

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