Wesley is trying to walk. He has taken about 10 to 12 steps max. He will walk and then sit down and start crawling. He pulls up and cruises on anything he can and then lets go and walks five or six steps. He will walk next to me while only holding one of my fingers. He has almost master standing from a sitting position. He gets better every day.
He is eating table food now and doesn't like baby food much any more. He loves any kind of fruit. Mandarin oranges and watermelon are his favorites. He loves green beans, mashed potatoes, carrots, and squash. He is a good eater and has liked everything we have tried so far. He is still nursing and I haven't decided if I am going to try to ween him at a year or not. He weighed 19 lbs 3 oz at support group on Wednesday. I thought he was big until a girl put her 5 month old baby on the scale after Wesley and they weighed the same thing.
He has gotten back to his old self lately. He is sleeping a little better and not screaming all day long. I cut back on the dairy again and he is on two allergy medicines now. He has not had a runny nose for 2 solid weeks which is a first since he was about 4 months! Yeah! I think he is finally feeling better. We are running a dehumidifier constantly in the house and it amazes me that I have to empty it every day.
He is saying momma, dadda, bye bye, hi, and ma. Ma, I'm pretty sure is Max because he will repeat it after I call Max's name. Of course he says none of them on command. He is waving bye bye but, again, not on command. He loves trucks, cars, and motorcycles, anything with wheels. He runs them all over the floor and says the bbbbb engine sound while playing with them.
He is very mischievous and gets into a lot more than Max did at his age. I have found him in the drawer of Max's armour, in the drawer underneath the oven, in the dryer, and in the closets. He loves to crawl under things. He crawls under the end table to get into the kitchen. He loves to make messes and doesn't mind getting dirty. You can't leave anything on the table within his reach he will have it everywhere in a manner of seconds.
He is very ticklish and laughs all the time. He thinks Max is hysterical and it is so fun to watch them play and interact together. Max is getting a little too rough with him now that Wesley is so mobile. I have to remind Max that Wesley is still a baby even though he is not so fragile anymore. Max gets so excited every time he does something, it is so precious. He will tell me, "Mommy, did you see Wesley do...!!!!" I love that he loves seeing his little brother meet all these milestones.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to pause music so you can watch the video!
Well, the next month update I do for my baby boy he will be one. I can't believe a year has almost already passed by. Be looking for some walking video soon. I am trying but I can't ever seem to catch it on camera. Here are some adventures from the past month I never got around to blogging about.
I was cooking dinner one evening and Wesley had figured out how to open the drawer. He then proceeded to pull out most of the pans that were in the drawer. I just let him play because it was occuping him and there wasn't anything that could hurt him. He had gotten quite and then just started giggling so I looked down to find him in the drawer. He continued to have fun for another 20 minutes or so.
1 comment:
Hearing his laughter on that video was adorable!! I can't believe he's almost one! And it sounds like he's taking after his big brother and will be walking before he turns one! Wow!
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