Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is in the air

We have taken advantage of our rather spring like weather this week. I put Wesley in the grass for the first time on Tuesday and he didn't like it all. He loves to be outside though. Every time I open the front door he squeals with delight! Max has been able to expend some of his never ending energy as well. That always helps. Wesley had a pretty rough week with lots of fussiness, crying, and having to be held. His top tooth broke the skin last night so I am assuming this was the case for the bad week. Here are some pics of the boys enjoying the nice weather.

Testing the edges of the blanket. It didn't help that there is hay all over the front yard. My father in law dropped a bale of hay in the yard last week when going to feed the cows.

Brothers and best buddies!

I moved to the side of the yard where it was more grassy.

Mommy, what are you doing to me?

He really didn't like the feel of the grass. This is what he did every time he touched it.

Max playing ball.
Here is what Wesley thinks about being outside...


Alicia said...

Isn't this weather the greatest! I'm glad we have a few more days of this before the rain comes! Oh, and did you know today was the first day of Spring? Woo-hoo!

Angela said...

I love the pictures!! Andrew is getting that T-ball thing for his bday next week!! He is so uncoordinated, poor thing...

Oh, I posted that recipe on my blog! :)

Aimee Larsen said...

check it out soon...I'm making my list and you're on it! Also,
I remember all of mine not wanting to get off the blanket and experience the grass. The don't even think twice now!