On Wednesday the 11th. We went on our annual trip to the Nutcracker. It is downtown at the Tivoli Theater. It is the school preformance so if the kids are a little noisy it is not the end of the world. We have went for the past 3 years. Max really enjoys the music and the dancing. He gets excited about it every year. We went with a group from our playgroup and another friend as well this year. My mom always comes with us and it is a special outing we all enjoy at Christmas. The kids all in all did really well. A few people had to leave early because their little ones were getting bored but we made it all the way through again this year. We were in the box seats and it was neat to be up so close to the stage and see the preformers so close. The funniest part of the day was when the ballerinas come out for the winter wonderland scence in all their white tutus. Jonas, who is 3, obviously had had enough because he very loudly says, "Where's the channel changer?" It was hillarious. Here are a few pictures from the Nutcracker.

Mom and Wesley

Aubrey, Alex, and Heidi playing during intermission


Mom, Max, and I. Wesley was sleeping!


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